Thunderstorms & Rain Flows…

Carolyn Rae
3 min readNov 23, 2020

Several years ago I was working at a Wood Oven Pizza Place in Albuquerque, I was out of my first real relationship and couldn’t stop agonizing over the pain of it, of course the first one is pretty tough. Grateful in hindsight for the lessons and realizations- I discovered so much about myself as a girlfriend how valuable!

I was craving peace and shelter from the storm of this heartache, I yearned to live free and come back home to myself. I went to my first Hot Yoga class on a rainy Wednesday evening. After lots of sweat and impatience, I made it through the class and felt so different in my being after.

Starting to feel mostly that I was breaking up with the expectations I had created, and the process of letting those go was not short. I was addicted to this new found peace I felt while practicing and allowing myself to be exactly where I was at.

During this time one day at work my manager and I had some IPA’S & some conversation after closing down, I often confided in him through this process. He offered this analogy and it sticks with me when I loose presence and start to “future trip” or attach to expectations. He said, “Waiting for something to happen for you in life is like waiting for a storm to happen, your just going to keep waiting and waiting. It’s best to surrender and live and then BOOM before you know it abundance, love and peace are raining on you.” Funny enough I surrendered so much that night and it actually rained all weekend, how healing and what a concept…

Let It Happen.

Let Go.


4 years later I still visualize the thunder and think fondly of what that meant to me at that time in my life and where it led me, trust that what you want will come in the right time.

Also reminding you sweet friend, often things that feel super important are not, don’t get too caught up in the details of the HOW and step into the NOW. .. We all experience the up’s and downs of being human, heartbreak, career direction and general confusion.

Maybe someone cuts you off and you spill your coffee on yourself, the stye you have in your eye has made you look like Shrek, or the fact that you have to take the bus because your car has a flat has ruined your day. When we choose to be content and grateful in those moments we can start to show up for ourselves with compassion.

Coming into presence with your breathe, some movement and a lot of FAITH has allowed me to flow through life and the little moments of distress with grace and ease. Procrastination of your happiness is self-sabotage, now is the time so lock your feet into the earth and breathe, repeat after me, “All is here for me in the perfect time, I’m supported and loved, so it is.”

I cant tell you how to create your own happiness because its your wall to paint. Only you know what brings a sparkle to your eye and a skip in your step. I hope this serves as a reminder that it all works out and your journeys create resilience, strength and learnings times 10.

Your thunderstorm and your playful rain dance is here, NOW. Soak up imperfection or uncertainty and luster in the wonder — laugh into the obstacles, & walk with a lighter heart. Oh, and bring some rain boots too, just in case..

Originally published at on November 23, 2020.



Carolyn Rae

Journeys through the subconscious mind and beyond! Expression is my key to happiness, whats yours?